Decision Making

OughtWe – introduces our approach to decision making – is available for FREE

OughtWe Pro Decision Maker

Supporting methodical steps to significant decisions. Applying criteria-based processes. Clarifying context, identify critical factors which will affect the outcome of a decision.

Evaluate options accurately and establish priorities. Anticipate outcomes and see logical consequences. Navigate risk and uncertainty. Reason well in contexts requiring quantitative and qualitative analysis.

The app is a support tool applying straightforward and methodical steps to help make significant decisions. Nimbly using informed, criteria-based processes – it focuses on clarifying context, in order to better evaluate options and implement plans.

The app is populated with default settings, all of which can be readily tailored to meet your needs.

Consider Commissioning Your Tailored Decision Maker App

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Our remotely delivered Fiverr-based service is for clients looking to scale and tailor the criteria-based methodology demonstrated in the free ‘OughtWe decision maker’ and in the paid ‘Decision Making App’.

Get all of your people on the same page

‘Your Decision Maker’ is a service, offered by John Salter, to host your two customized ‘OughtWe’ apps on John Salter’s Apple AND Google Stores. These will be tailored apps that support your decision criteria, and align with the values of your organization – as specified by you in the Service Features listed below.

Click here to see an example from a client

Service Features

1. <Your> Name (Text) in Decision Maker Logo – Client name (or acronym) nested in the Decision Maker app Logo.

2. Reference (Text) – a description of your context – to be inserted under the edited “Reference” Header of the Criteria & Weight Screen.

3. Your Criteria

You can populate Your Decision Maker with up to nine of your specified criteria.

Specifics of each criterion.

For each of the (up to nine) specified criteria, please provide:

(i) Criteria Name (Text) – example “Alignment with Values”.

(ii) Criteria Description (Text) – example “To what extent is this option aligned with our supported values?”.

(iii) Rationale for Criteria (Text) – example “Reference: Corporate Ethics Policy (2021)”.

(iv) Criteria Weightings – your agreed default settings (positive or negative – from minus nine to plus nine).

Note: When being used “in the field” individual users will still be able to add criteria to reflect and support the context of any specific decision being addressed by them.

NB Development of the above specifications is best done with others. Especially those who need to develop and sign off on “what they value – and how much they care about those things they value”.

Example of Criteria – Value for Money – VfM

  • Economy: this is the cost of the program inputs (e.g., people or resources). In order for those costs to be considered “economic”, the inputs should have been acquired at the least cost for the required level of quality.
  • Efficiency: this relates to the value of program outputs in relation to the total cost of program inputs (at the required level of quality).
  • Effectiveness: this is achieving program outcomes in relation to the total cost of program inputs (at the required level of quality)
  • Equity: this refers to ensuring that program benefits are distributed fairly to participants, stakeholders and/or the community.

4. Your Guide

We will upload a PDF guide you provide, which can then be accessed from the app by users (from the small blue “i” symbol at the bottom right of screens).

A validation check

Before final payment for establishing your tailored tool, checking the build can also validate whether you need to refine any of your configurations. Again, this is often best done collaboratively, with people who have an interest in using the tool to support making decisions, drafting reports, and communicating issues.

When checking the build, remember to “benchpress” your criteria.
They may benefit from being refined.


Please note all prices are in US$

(a) Establishment of Your Decision Maker app hosted on the Apple and Google store. US$300

(b) Updates to (any or all of) the Service Features (listed above) are by request – for example (revised guide, refreshed criteria, renamed organization). This will be done for both Apple and Google Store apps. US$80

(c) Downloads from John Salter’s Apple Store or Google Play Store are one-off costs per user – to facilitate corporate control and receiving of updates and revisions. US$0.99

Delivery time – 14 days

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